Version 2.48

See repository changelogs for more details.

Release 2.48.0


  • fred/server
    • Transition from CORBA to gRPC logger

    • TechCheck removed

    • Old verifications removed, only automatic verification remains

    • Enhance AuthInfo with TTL implementation:
      • Objects cannot be created if the create command contains AuthInfo

      • Registrars can see a hint to which email was an AuthInfo sent (e.g. a*****@b*****.**)

      • In the EPP update operation the server now accepts only AuthInfo with minimum number of characters (can be configured)

      • In the EPP update operation, entering the AuthInfo as an empty string invalidates the current AuthInfo value

    • Change registrar scoring system from 0-5 to 0-100%

    • New contact state flag serverLinkProhibited – disallows linking of new objects to the object with this flag

    • Configurable logger name for LoggerClient

    • Add new clean_expired_authinfos command in fred-admin

    • Add possibility to end domain name life cycle with auction (configurable per zone)

    • fred-mifd now uses messenger to send emails/letters/SMS

    • MojeID registry backend
      • The beginning of registry and MojeID contact relationship transformation
        • Implement new methods to create and update contact

        • Support for optional permanent address

        • No handling of the verification states – will be handled by client side

        • Removal of two-phase commit for new methods

  • FRED gRPC backend services
    • fred/backend/identity
      • Add support for AuthInfo with TTL feature

    • fred/backend/logger
      • Integrate common diagnostics service using libdiagnostics

      • Adapt to libstrong library

      • Change LogEntryInfo (add log_entry_id and session_id)

    • fred/backend/notify
      • fred-notify-contact-data-reminder now does not send reminder to validated contacts, validation age limit can be configured

      • Switch to new storage of additional contacts

    • fred/backend/public-request
      • New public requests management server based on gRPC API

    • fred/backend/registry
      • Implement methods for registrars management

      • Add support for registrars management

      • Implement method for a host name of domain name server checking

      • Use registrar.is_internal flag

      • Add validation_expires_at into DomainInfoReply

      • Implement get_domain_life_cycle_stage method for WHOIS/RDAP

      • Add objects light infos

      • get_domains_by_contact optionally also returns deleted domains

      • Change example configuration to jinja2 template

      • Implement method update_contact_state (Contact service)

      • Implement ContactRepresentative service

      • Add support for domain auctions

    • FRED verifications
      • New gRPC service for validation and verification of registry contacts’ data

    • Change PluginConfig from dataclass to pydantic model (the interface stayed the same, but types and values are now strictly checked)

    • Add registrar, groups and certification management

    • Add deleted domains to related domains list in contact detail

    • Add new universal REST API for registry search

    • Add plugin permissions

    • Add output_properties to ferda.tests.utils.LoggerMixin.assertLog

    • Add search by notify_email to contact detail

    • Add registry search CSV export for exact matches

    • Add action buttons to registry search results

    • Add missing object state descriptions

    • Add endpoints for contact representative

    • Enable frontend report list filtering

    • Add settings API (will replace django-settings and ferda-version context processors in the future)

    • Add URL prefixes to settings API

    • Add user API (will replace user-profile and user-permissions context processors in the future)

    • Add regal-based API to replace ferda.backend.client

    • Add pluggy plugin framework

    • Add create permissions plugin hook

    • Add endpoint to download certification file

    • Add a link from object detail to logger module

    • Change default search registry object type from contact to domain

    • Add message subtype labels to message detail

    • Display raw message data in message detail

    • Update log request detail design

    • Remove opening links in new tabs

    • Add registrant_ref to domain info results

    • Register logger object reference types

    • Limit minimal length of contact registry search queries

  • FERDA plugins
    • FERDA verification – new plugin for manual contact verification

    • FERDA public request – new plugin for public request management

    • FERDA auction – new plugin for domain auction management

  • Messaging: fred/backend/messenger, fred/backend/fileman and fred/django-secretary
    • New services for all parts of messaging process

    • Migrate all messaging to the new services

    • See messenger

  • Documentation


  • Fix registrar EPP auth operations in libfred (bump dependencies)

  • Fix registrar group membership

  • Fix three switches which malfunctioned under certain circumstances (fred-admin --invoice_export --invoice_dont_send, --invoice_archive --invoice_dont_send, --invoice_archive --debug_context)

  • Fix serverUpdateProhibited block

  • Fix single invoice export

  • poll-client now uses UTC timestamp when calling logger (fix for new logger)

  • fred-logd getRequestCountUsers now expects UTC timestamps

  • Set contact validation public request as processed even if email is not sent