1.2. FRED demo

  1. For testing and demonstration purposes we provide a virtual image of Ubuntu server with uninitialized instance of FRED. Download the image here. For building the demo we use script in the repository fred/demo-install.

  2. Import the .qcow2 image.

  3. After importing, you can launch the server and ssh into the machine with user: fred, password: password.

  4. After successfully logging in, restart all registry services via command:

    sudo systemctl restart 'fred-*'


    Registry itself is not initialized! Before you start working with FRED, you need to take steps described in chapter registry initialization.

  5. The registry is ready to use. You can find the following services running on these locations:
    • Browser:
    • Protocols:
    • CLI Tools:
      • /usr/sbin/fred-admin – Administrate the registry, registrars and customise pricing (some of these actions are also available in more user friendly FERDA administration interface)

      • /usr/bin/fred-client – A Python EPP client for registrars to allow administration registry objects without having to write their own implementation of EPP

      • C++ and python daemons as described here

    • Databases: To access the db cluster switch to user postgres using sudo su - postgres and running psql


    Please note that for full functionality you should configure periodic tasks, as described in chapter periodic tasks.