3. Registry initialization

This chapter will help you initialize the Registry, i.e. introduce the crucial data that must be present in the system prior to registrations or any work with registrable objects.

It is assumed that you have installed the FRED’s database schema already and that the database is blank (you have not input any data yet).

To initialize the Registry, you need to perform these tasks:

  • prepare a zone:

    • create a zone,

    • assign name servers to the zone,

  • prepare registrars:

    • add registrar(s),

    • set authentication data for registrar(s),

    • grant registrars access to the zone(s),

  • prepare billing:

    • create a price list for operations,

    • define the parameters for invoice numbering,

    • set the VAT tax and coefficient,

    • assign credit to registrars,

  • adapt parameters in the database.


Perform the tasks in the same order as presented!

For most tasks, the fred-admin command-line utility is used. The commands of this utility have both mandatory and optional parameters. The mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk (*) and default values are stated for the optional parameters. If you omit an optional parameter, the default value is assigned.


The presented listings of parameters are only illustrative and often incomplete. To see all available commands and parameters, refer to fred-admin --help.

3.1. Preparing a zone

Preparing a zone is the most crucial task. The information you enter about a zone will appear in the header of a generated zone file. When you create a zone, you enter the fields of the SOA record, and in the next step, you add the zone name servers. An example of the resulting zone file header is given below.

3.1.1. Creating a zone

fred-admin --zone_add \
   --zone_fqdn=cz \
   --ex_period_min=12 \
   --ex_period_max=120 \
   --ttl=18000 \
   --hostmaster=hostmaster@nic.cz \
   --refresh=900 \
   --update_retr=300 \
   --expiry=604800 \
   --minimum=900 \

This command creates a new zone in the Registry. It does not have to be only a TLD zone of course, you might provide access for example to go.to, com.tw or ENUM zones (like 0.2.4.e164.arpa).


Consider thoroughly which parameters you set, there is no command for editing zones.

  • --zone_fqdn (*) – FQDN of the zone to be added – it also serves as a key in subsequent commands

  • --ex_period_min, --ex_period_max – minimum and maximum number of months for which a domain in the zone can be registered


    The ex_period_min number is also used as a unit for registration periods which are then defined as multiples of this number, i.e. with --ex_period_min=12 domains can be registered (and renewed) for whole years, not e.g. year and half.


    • --ex_period_min=12 [months]

    • --ex_period_max=120 [months]

  • --ttl, --hostmaster, --refresh, --update_retr, --expiry, --minimum, --ns_fqdn – zone’s SOA fields


    • --ttl=18000 [s]

    • --hostmaster=hostmaster@localhost

    • --refresh=900 [s]

    • --update_retr=300 [s]

    • --expiry=604800 [s]

    • --minimum=900

    • --ns_fqdn=localhost

3.1.2. Adding zone name servers

fred-admin --zone_ns_add --zone_fqdn=cz --ns_fqdn=a.ns.nic.cz
fred-admin --zone_ns_add --zone_fqdn=cz --ns_fqdn=b.ns.nic.cz --addr=
fred-admin --zone_ns_add --zone_fqdn=cz --ns_fqdn=c.ns.nic.cz --addr=
# or
fred-admin --zone_ns_add --zone_fqdn cz --ns_fqdn c.ns.nic.cz --addr --addr

This command assigns a name server to a zone.

  • --zone_fqdn (*) – the zone a name server is added to

  • --ns_fqdn (*) – name server’s FQDN

  • --addr – name server’s IP address (glue) – it is required when the nameserver’s FQDN is from the same zone to which it is being added; you can list several IP addresses separated with a space

3.1.3. Zone file example

The data given in the examples above result in the following zone file header:

$TTL 18000 ;default TTL for all records in zone
cz.             IN      SOA     a.ns.nic.cz.    hostmaster.nic.cz. (1445442458 900 300 604800 900)
                IN      NS      a.ns.nic.cz.
                IN      NS      b.ns.nic.cz.
                IN      NS      c.ns.nic.cz.
b.ns.nic.cz.    IN      A
c.ns.nic.cz.    IN      A
c.ns.nic.cz.    IN      A
;--- domain records ---

3.2. Preparing registrars

There are two types of registrars:

  • common registrar is an organization which provides domain administration to end users and pays for access to the Registry, and

  • the system registrar which is used by the Registry to manage domains manually and to perform automated administration procedures. This registrar has full permissions (he can change any object regardless of object’s designated registrar or its blocking of changes).

Both types of registrars are prepared in the same way:

  • create a registrar,

  • assign them authentication data,

  • permit them to operate in a zone (or zones).


For the system to work properly, exactly one system registrar must be present.


If you want to work only with the EPP communication, the system registrar will do. However, if it is the billing and invoicing subsystem you want to work with, we recommend adding a (testing) common registrar, too.

3.2.1. Creating a registrar

# adding a common registrar:
fred-admin --registrar_add \
   --handle=REG-FRED-A --reg_name="Testing registrar A" \
   --organization="Company l.t.d." --country=CZ

# adding a system registrar:
fred-admin --registrar_add \
   --handle=REG-SYSTEM --reg_name="System registrar" \
   --country=CZ --system

This command creates a new registrar with some data.

  • --handle (*) – handle of the registrar to be added

  • --reg_name – registrar’s name – you may set it the same as --organization

  • --organization – registrar’s organization or company

  • --country (*) – registrar’s country by 2-letter country code (table enum_country)

  • --no_vat – flag this registrar as NOT a VAT-payer

  • --system – designates this registrar to be the “system registrar”

  • many other parameters are available, see the program help fred-admin --registrar_add --help.


Registrar information can be edited later via the WebAdmin.

3.2.2. Setting authentication data

Authentication data allows registrars to connect to the Registry securely.

fred-admin --registrar_acl_add \
   --handle=REG-FRED-A \
   --certificate="39:D1:0C:CA:05:3A:CC:C0:0B:EC:6F:3F:81:0D:C7:9E" \

This command assigns the given access control data to a registrar.

  • --handle (*) – registrar’s handle

  • --password (*) – registrar’s password – both the password and certificate are needed to access the Registry

  • --certificate (*) – fingerprint of the registrar’s certificate

    It can be created from an existing certificate with the following command:

    openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -md5 -in /path/to/cert.pem | cut -d= -f2


For testing purposes, you can use the test certificate that comes with the fred-mod-eppd package and was installed in $PREFIX/share/fred-mod-eppd/ssl/.


If that is the case, you can copy & paste the fingerprint from this example.

3.2.3. Granting access to a zone

fred-admin --registrar_add_zone \
   --zone_fqdn=cz --handle=REG-FRED-A \

This command grants a registrar permissions to manage objects in a specified zone.

  • --handle (*) – registrar’s handle

  • --zone_fqdn (*) – name of a zone the registrar gains access to

  • --from_date – date since when the access is allowed – default: today

3.3. Preparing billing

The billing subsystem allows you to set prices for operations, charge registrars for these operations, keep track of their credit and create bills (invoices) for them.

All these functions are built-in and on by default.

You can turn charging off: find the [rifd] section in the server configuration and set epp_operations_charging = false. Then you don’t need to do anything else from this section and you can skip the rest of it.

Otherwise you need to prepare the subsystem for use by doing these tasks:

  • create a price list for operations,

  • define initial numbers for invoice numbering,

  • set a custom VAT tax rate,

  • assign initial credit to common registrars.

3.3.1. Creating price list

A price list is created by listing prices for operations individually. The price lists are defined for each zone separately.

Chargeable operations include:

  • CreateDomain – domain creation (one-time payment when a new domain is introduced to the Registry, corresponding EPP command: create_domain), pricing period: one-time

  • RenewDomain – domain renewal (renewal per unit, corresponding EPP commands: create_domain, renew_domain), pricing period: per unit (ex_period_min)

  • GeneralEppOperation – operation over request-usage limit (charged only after all uncharged requests were exhausted), pricing period: per operation

fred-admin --price_add --operation='CreateDomain' --zone_fqdn=cz \
   --valid_from='2014-12-31 23:00:00' \
   --operation_price 0 --period 1

fred-admin --price_add --operation='RenewDomain' --zone_fqdn=cz \
   --valid_from='2014-12-31 23:00:00' --valid_to='2015-01-31 22:59:59' \
   --operation_price 155 --period 1

fred-admin --price_add --operation='RenewDomain' \
   --valid_from='2015-01-31 23:00:00' --zone_fqdn=cz \
   --operation_price 140 --period 1

fred-admin --price_add --operation='RenewDomain' --zone_fqdn=cz \
   --valid_from='2015-09-01 19:15:56.159594' --valid_to='2015-12-31 23:00:00' \
   --operation_price 190 --period 1

fred-admin --price_add --operation='GeneralEppOperation' \
   --valid_from='2015-05-31 22:00:00' --zone_fqdn=cz \
   --operation_price 0.10 --period 1 --enable_postpaid_operation

This command adds a price of an operation in a zone valid in a given time span. The amount is currency-independent, decimals are allowed. If you don’t want to charge for an operation, just set the price to zero.

  • --valid_from, --valid_to – range of UTC datetimes when the pricing scheme will be used, e.g. ‘2006-09-09 19:15:56’, valid_from < valid_to

  • --operation_price (*) – amount, e.g. 140.00

  • --period – pricing period/quantity (default = 1)

  • --zone_fqdn (*) – zone FQDN

  • --operation (*) – charged operation

  • --enable_postpaid_operation – operation charge doesn’t require prepaid credit (allows negative credit)


The first domain renewal is made upon domain registration that means that a registration of a new domain is in fact billed as 2 operations: CreateDomain + RenewDomain whereas a renewal of an existing domain is billed only as one operation RenewDomain.

3.3.2. Invoice numbering

To allow the invoices to be numbered automatically, initial numbers must be defined for each invoice type, zone and year. An initial number is then incremented on invoice creation and the updated value is kept in the database for future reference.

You have two ways of defining initial invoice numbers:

  • you can set invoice prefixes and let the system create the initial numbers following the fixed pattern PPYY00001:

    • PP – 2-digit invoice number prefix

    • YY – 2 last digits of a year

    • 00001 – the 5-digit order number


    This way is recommended if you have many zones to administer.

  • you can set custom initial numbers manually. Creating default initial numbers

fred-admin --add_invoice_number_prefix \
   --prefix=24 --zone_fqdn=cz --invoice_type_name=advance
fred-admin --add_invoice_number_prefix \
   --prefix=23 --zone_fqdn=cz --invoice_type_name=account

This command adds a number prefix for invoices of a given type in a zone.

  • --prefix – the prefix value for the given combination of a zone and invoice type

  • --zone_fqdn – the zone FQDN for which the prefix is designated

  • --invoice_type_name – the invoice type by name:

    • account – billing (balance between the deposit and the total for provided services), usually monthly

    • advance – depositing credit, when a payment was received

fred-admin --create_invoice_prefixes --for_current_year

This command creates initial invoice numbers for all available combinations for the current year. If the --for_current_year argument is omitted, initial numbers are created for the next year. Defining custom initial numbers

fred-admin --invoice_add_prefix --zone_fqdn=cz --type 0 --year 2017 --prefix 401700001

This command adds a custom initial number (prefix) for the given combination of a year, zone and invoice type (0 – advance, 1 – account).

3.3.3. Value-added tax

To add your own VAT tax rate, you must know three things:

  • the rate percentage,

  • the rate coefficient and

  • when the validity of the previous rate ends.

The percentage (PERC) is usually given by the law, e.g. 21 %. So is the period of validity. The coefficient (COEF) is the officially correct way (in the Czech Republic) to figure out the tax basis and therefore it is used in calculations. You can calculate the coefficient with the following formula: PERC / (PERC + 100) = COEF and the result is then rounded to four decimal places, e.g. for 21 % VAT: 21 / (21 + 100) = 0.1736.

Since there is no command to change the VAT rate, you must run an SQL script directly:

psql -U fred
fred=> begin;
update price_vat set valid_to = '2014-12-31 23:00:00' where valid_to is null;
insert into price_vat (koef, vat) values (0.1736, 21) ;
commit ;

This SQL script will:

  • end the validity of the last rate to the specified date time in UTC,

  • add the new coefficient and the new percentage.

3.3.4. Assigning credit to a registrar

fred-admin --invoice_credit \
   --zone_id=1 --registrar_id=1 --price=15000

This command adds some credit to a registrar in a zone and creates an advance invoice in the system. If the registrar is a VAT-payer, then an appropriate amount is subtracted automatically.

  • --zone_id – zone id,

  • --registrar_id – registrar id,

  • --price – the credit to add,

  • --taxdate – tax date, default is today, for arg format see fred-admin --help_dates


To find an id of a zone or a registrar, you must run an SQL query against the database, for example:

Find out registrar id
 psql -U fred -c "SELECT id FROM registrar where handle = 'REG-FRED-A';"

This command will find a registrar by its handle and return its identifier.

Find out zone id
 psql -U fred -c "SELECT id FROM zone where fqdn = 'cz';"

This command will find a zone by its FQDN and return its identifier.

3.4. Setting parameters in the database

There are some tables of configurable parameters in the main database. Most of these parameters can be used with the default values, however, it is important to adapt at least the values mentioned in this chapter.

For more information about configuration of the Registry via database values see Database tables.

3.4.1. Timezone for automated administration MANDATORY


The following parameter must be adapted to your environment!

Set the appropriate time zone for automated administration with the regular_day_procedure_zone parameter:

Set the appropriate time zone for automated administration
fred-admin --enum_parameter_change \
   --parameter_name=regular_day_procedure_zone \

where TZNAME is the standardized name of your time zone, which can be found in the Postgres table pg_timezone_names (the name column) or in this Wikipedia list (the TZ column), for example Europe/Prague (this is the default value).