6. GlobalBlock¶
GlobalBlock is a unified domain name blocking services created by the Brand Safety Alliance (BSA). It is used for blocking domain registration across many TLDs.
6.1. Prerequisites¶
Before activating GlobalBlock extension, you need to have a valid contract with the BSA.
GlobalBlock extension is available only to users with paid FRED support. If you are interested, please contact us at fred@nic.cz.
Before installing GlobalBlock, make sure you have the following packages in the correct (or newer) versions installed.
Package |
Version |
2.43.0 |
2.18.0 |
0.1.0 |
2.64.0 |
2.64.0 |
2.64.0 |
2.64.0 |
2.64.0 |
2.64.0 |
2.64.0 |
2.64.0 |
Package |
Version |
3.15.0 |
6.2. Installation steps¶
This section contains specific steps for installing GlobalBlock extension to the FRED system.
To install GlobalBlock, you need the fred-bsapp
package. This package is not publicly available,
we send it only upon request. Please, contact us at fred-support@nic.cz.
6.2.1. Databases¶
schema – userpostgres
, databasefred
-- Create roles CREATE ROLE bsapp_ro NOLOGIN; CREATE ROLE bsapp_rw NOLOGIN; CREATE USER bsapp WITH PASSWORD '...' IN ROLE bsapp_rw; CREATE USER bsapp_view WITH PASSWORD '...' IN ROLE bsapp_ro; -- Create schema CREATE SCHEMA bsapp AUTHORIZATION bsapp_rw; ALTER USER bsapp SET search_path = 'bsapp'; ALTER USER bsapp_view SET search_path = 'bsapp'; -- Create priviledges REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM bsapp_ro; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM bsapp_rw; -- It's needed to provide privileges to schema *and* tables. GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA bsapp TO bsapp_rw; GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA bsapp TO bsapp_rw; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA bsapp TO bsapp_ro; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA bsapp TO bsapp_ro;
schema priviledges – userbsapp
, databasefred
-- Create default priviledges -- Must be run as 'bsapp' user! ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA bsapp GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO bsapp_rw; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA bsapp GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO bsapp_ro;
migrations#> app export ALEMBIC_CONFIG=/opt/venvs/fred-bsapp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bsapp/alembic.ini echo "Migrations started" echo "Alembic config: $ALEMBIC_CONFIG" alembic history -i echo "Running migrations..." alembic upgrade head alembic history -i echo "Migrations completed"
Verify, that your FRED data model is in version
or newerSELECT val FROM enum_parameters WHERE name = 'model_version'; val -------- 2.58.0
6.2.2. Configuration¶
api_key: THE_API_KEY # TEST values: # api_key: API_KEY_VALUE # api_url: https://api-ote.bsagateway.co/ # See https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/core/engines.html#database-urls for details db_connection: postgresql+psycopg://USER:PASS@:6432/fred?host=/var/run/postgresql # Disable pooling in client, if using pgbouncer. db_poolclass: sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool db_schema: bsapp logging: version: 1 disable_existing_loggers: False formatters: verbose: format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [%(process)d:%(thread)d] %(name)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s' handlers: syslog: class: logging.handlers.SysLogHandler formatter: verbose address: '/dev/log' loggers: '': handlers: [syslog] level: DEBUG registry_netloc: localhost:2240
Whois apache configuration:
Add the following line:
WhoisBlacklistMessage "BSAPP" "% This name has been blocked by a GlobalBlock service."
to virtualhost section of
so it will look like this:<VirtualHost *:43> CorbaEnable On CorbaNameservice "{{ corba.host }}:{{ corba.port }}" CorbaObject "Whois" "Whois_alias" CorbaObject "LoggerNew" "Logger_alias" WhoisLogdObject "Logger_alias" WhoisProtocol On WhoisDisclaimer "/etc/fred/disclaimer.txt" WhoisObject "Whois_alias" WhoisBlacklistMessage "BSAPP" "% This name has been blocked by a GlobalBlock service." ...
6.2.3. Cron jobs¶
- Cron job description: Fetch new orders from BSA
When / Recurrence: hourly
- Cron job description: Process new orders from BSA
When / Recurrence: hourly (offset from fetch by 20 mins)
- Cron job description: Report unregistrable domains to BSA
When / Recurrence: daily (try to avoid parallel runs with other crons)
fred-bsapp-report-domains [ZONE]...
- Cron job description: Daily check of blocked domains
When / Recurrence: daily (try to avoid parallel runs with other crons)