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CZ.NIC provides basic support for FRED for free on a best-effort basis via the mailing list .

For technical details about FRED project, contact us at .

We understand that there could be need for a formal support contract, or perhaps you would like help with FRED's implementation, provisioning or development. Therefore we offer several support programmes listed below. If you are interested, please contact us using the form on the Domain Kit website.

  Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Yearly fee (EUR) 10 000 20 000 50 000 150 000
Response time NBD L1: 1h
L1: 1h
L2: 12h
L1: 1h
L2: 12h
Resolution time
(for high severity issues)
n/a 72h 48h 24h
Information service
(detailed new version changelogs,
early notifications about discovered bugs)
no yes yes yes
Prioritized development n/a n/a yes yes
E-mail support yes yes yes yes
Chat support no yes yes yes
Phone support no no yes yes
Consultancy ‒ conf calls
(hours per year)
n/a 8 24 72
Remote training sessions
(hours per year)
n/a 4 12 36
Training sessions in Prague
(MDs per year)
n/a n/a 2 5
On-site support
(MDs per year)
n/a n/a n/a 5


In addition to the support programmes above, CZ.NIC offers other services in the area of implementing, provisioning and developing a domain registry. In particular, CZ.NIC specialists can assume full responsibility for operating and maintaining a registry. In such cases, the support contract will be based on a detailed analysis of operational requirements and expected transition costs.

CZ.NIC successfully migrated the .CZ registry to FRED in 2007 and since then has collected extensive experience with operating the registry using FRED. The .CZ registry has almost 1.5 million domains.