7.5. XMLSchema-defined data types¶
Simple data types defined in the XML Schema namespace.
- xs:anyURI¶
an Internationalized Resource Identifier reference (IRI)
- xs:base64Binary¶
binary data represented in Base64 encoding, see RFC 4648#section-4
- xs:boolean¶
- xs:date¶
a date
- xs:dateTime¶
a date and time
- xs:decimal¶
a real number represented by decimal numerals (low precision)
- xs:language¶
a xs:token matching the
pattern- xs:normalizedString¶
a xs:string which does not contain carriage return, line feed nor tab characters
- xs:string¶
a generic non-restricted character string
- xs:token¶
a xs:normalizedString which has no leading nor trailing spaces and no internal sequence of 2 or more spaces
- xs:unsignedByte¶
a small non-negative integer (up to 255 incl.)
- xs:unsignedLong¶
a potentially big non-negative integer
- xs:unsignedShort¶
an average non-negative integer