7.3. Customizing state-change notifications

State-change notifications are the part of Registry email communication that is based on the life cycle of registrable objects, in other words, on state changes of registrable objects.

See also Life-cycle events for the table of lifecycle-based notifications.

These notifications can be disabled by removal of rows from the database table notify_statechange_map:

fred=> select * from notify_statechange_map;
 id | state_id | obj_type | mail_type_id | emails
  1 |        9 |        3 |            3 |      1
  2 |       20 |        3 |            4 |      1
  3 |       17 |        3 |            5 |      1
  4 |       17 |        2 |           14 |      1
  5 |       17 |        1 |           14 |      1
  6 |       20 |        3 |            6 |      2
  7 |       17 |        3 |            7 |      2
  8 |       12 |        3 |            8 |      1
  9 |       13 |        3 |            9 |      1
 10 |       13 |        3 |            6 |      2
 11 |       17 |        4 |           14 |      1
 12 |       28 |        3 |           31 |      3
 13 |       28 |        3 |           31 |      4
(13 rows)

This table says: when an object of the type obj_type is set the status flag state_id, an email message of the type mail_type_id is sent to recipients according to emails.

Object states

See the table enum_object_states and compare with Life cycle of registrable objects.

Object types

obj_type is the type of an object to be notified (1..contact, 2..nsset, 3..domain, 4..keyset), see the table enum_object_type.

Mail types

mail_type_id is the type of mail to be sent from the table mail_type, see also Email Parameters Reference.

Email recipients

emails are only distinguished in case of domains:

  • 1 – all administrative contacts of the domain

  • 2 – all technical contacts of the domain’s nsset

  • 3 – generic emails, see communication channels

  • 4 – additional domain notification emails, see communication channels

In case of nssets or keysets, recipients are all technical contacts.

In case of contacts, recipient is the contact itself.